Hot insulation is a phenomenon of maintaining a high temperature of more than 60 degree around an object such that its energy is not allowed to escape into the atmosphere. It’s basically a shield in between the atmosphere and the object.
Hot insulation Materials:
Cray Flex : This material has resistance against both heat, thermal and chemical.
Rockwool : has great resistance towards thermal, heat and chemical
Fiber Glass : highly reasonable in price for your needs of home insulation
Benefits of Hot insulation :
1. Helps in reducing energy consumption.
2. Procures hygrothermal insulation .i.e. helps in preventing building damage resulting from the formation of moisture on the inside of external building components
3. Provides Hygienic Thermal insulation .1.e. helps in preventing the build up of mould
4. Hot insulation is eco friendly in nature.
Address : L-21, Ambad MIDC Oppo. to GSK,
behind Shirke Electro pvt. Ltd,
MIDC Ambad, Nashik, Maharashtra 422010, India
Email :
Mobile : +(91) 9822849318